Monday 22 December 2014

Changing summer photos to winter in Photoshop

This tutorial is about changing a photo taken in summer period to a misty winter season.

  • At first Open the image to be edited by File->Open or just by dragging the pic to photoshop. Here is the photo taken during summer that iam going to edit.
  • Go to Image->Adjustments-> Select Desaturate.
This is how the image looks like now
  • Go to Select->Color Range
  • Now using the Eye Dropper Tool click on the color you see in the image. The areas selected will be shown as white and the other regions in black.  
  • To add more areas to the selection, select the eyedropper + tool shown below and click on the other regions to be selected. Here i have set the fuzziness = 100 but it may vary for other images. Adjusting the right amount of fuzziness gives more realistic look.
  • Now you will see all those areas are being selected.
  • Now Create New Layer by clicking on the second icon from right.
  • Now Go to Edit->Fill
  • In the dialog box that opens, Select white and hit ok
  • Now you will get a white image. If you feel its too much then reduce the opacity depending on how much snow is needed.
  • Here iam going to reduce the opacity to 70% as shown below.
  • From the adjustment layer below, select photo filter.
  • Choose Cooling filter from the drop down and adjust the density bar to match your image. 
  • This is how my image looks like after applying the cooling filter. 
  • You can finish off with this step if you want just snow but if you need snow fall effect over it then proceed with the steps given below.
  • Select Brush tool or simply press B and choose any brush size. you can vary the size using [ or ].
  • Now open Brush presets and select the shape dynamics. Make the changes as shown below.
  • Now select scattering and do the following changes. This is all done to scatter the brush size so as to give a realistic look like snow fall.
  • Now create new layer and rename it as background snow. Keep the brush size very small paint and click all over the image randomly. This layer is for the snowfall thats far behind.
  • Now create another layer and say it to be snow inbetween. Again mark dots on the image here and there by increasing the brush size by pressing ].

  • Create a final layer for the snow thats falling big and closeby. lets call foreground snow by renaming the layer. Increase the brush size much more and click here and there in the image as shown below.
  • Now select the background snow layer and go to Filter->Blur->Gaussian Blur and set the radius and hit ok. Here i have set it to 5..
  • Now Select the snow inbetween layer. Go to Filter->Blur>Motion Blur. Change the Angle and distance to set the direction of snow fall. Here i have set angle=-41 and distance =53 pixels.
  • Now adjust the opacity of this layer to make it look realistic.
  • Now repeat the same procedure with the foreground snow layer also. Adjust Motion blur and opacity.
  • This is how the final output looks like. This is a image showcasing mild winter.
  • The same image with intense winter look using the same method but different adjustments.

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